Parkfield House residential home aims to provide quality service where people living with mild common mental health needs such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder can receive the right level of self-care and support they require to feel better and to greatly improve the quality of their lives. We aim to provide people with extremely positive experiences in the service and the care they receive, with support from staff who truly care and understand their needs.
Our Support Procedure
At Parkfield House Residential Home we have systems and processes in place to keep people living with mental health needs, safe and protected from avoidable harm and to safeguard people from the risk of abuse.
We do this by ensuring that we recruit staff that have relevant skills, experience and knowledge to meet the needs of the people in our care. Our processes include thorough recruitment processes, ensuring that we recruit people with the relevant skills and background experiences, to be able to meet the needs of every individual.
Everyone deserves happiness
We will provide care for people experiencing poor mental health by ensuring that
- service users have their care reviewed in a face-to-face meeting every 6-12 months, or sooner if there is a change in situation.
- We will work in partnership with the GP practice to support annual reviews for all service users which includes physical checks.
- We will work with the multi-disciplinary teams in the care management of service users experiencing poor mental health.
- We will carry out advance care planning and risk assessments for service users with high dependency health needs.
- We will advise and support service users experiencing poor mental health, depression, anxiety and change in behaviours, on how to access support groups and voluntary organisations.
- We will support service users to self-refer to the local Wellbeing Team through their General Practitioners.
- We will support service users attending the hospital clinic who are stabilised on their medication, to promote wellbeing at home in order to avoid frequent visits to the hospital clinic.
- We will work with the local hospitals and General Practitioners to support our service users and to have a system in place to follow up service users who have attended A&E where they may have been experiencing poor general and mental health.
- We will ensure that our staff have a good understanding and relevant training on how to support service users’ needs.
- We will engage with service users by enabling them to enhance their sensory abilities to enable them to engage more actively in their consultations.